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周玮、女、1977年9月、副教授、硕士生导师、生物信息学学位点、长期从事生物信息学研究、2013年和2017年分别赴美国Clemson University(专业:生物信息学和计算机科学)和Texas A&M University(专业:植物遗传、基因组学和系统生物学)访学。


2003/09–2006/07  云南大学,植物学专业生物信息学方向,博士;

2000/09–2003/07  云南大学,植物学专业遗传育种方向,硕士;

1996/09–2000/07  吉首大学,生物科学专业,学士。



1)       国家自然科学基金青年项目“ATP合酶中多基因联合致烟草细胞质雄性不育机理研究”(31301388,2014-2016)

2)       中国博士后科学基金第八批特别资助项目“基于线粒体全基因组的烟草CMS关键基因鉴定及进化机制”(2015T80870,2015-2019)

3)       中国博士后科学基金第56批面上项目“烟草雄性不育系F0-ATP的RNA编辑效应与蛋白互作机制”(2014M562109,2014-2019)

4)       湖南省自然科学面上项目“基于烟草线粒体联合组学的作物育性机理研究”(2021JJ30355,2021-2023)

5)       湖南省自然科学面上项目“基于线粒体全基因组的烟草CMS关键基因鉴定、互作及进化关系研究”(2017JJ2117,2017-2019)

6)       湖南省教育厅重点项目“烟草野火病高精度测报模型优化及其拮抗机理研究”(19A214,2019-2022)

2.    主要论文成果(SCI);

1)    Yongqiang Wang, Xunhui Cai, Shengnan Hu, Sidong Qin, Ziqi Wang, Yixiang Cao, Chaoliang Hou, Jiangshan Yang, Wei Zhou*. Comparative genomic analysis provides insight into the phylogeny and potential mechanisms of adaptive evolution of Sphingobacterium sp. CZ-2. Gene, 2023, 855: 147118.

2)    Sidong Qin#, Yanjun Fan#, Shengnan Hu, Yongqiang Wang, Ziqi Wang, Yixiang Cao, Qiyuan Liu, Siqiao Tan*, Zhijun Dai*, Wei Zhou*. iPReditor-CMG: improving a predictive RNA editor for crop mitochondrial genomes using genomic sequence features and an optimal support vector machine. Phytochemistry, 2022, 200: 113222.

3)    Ruyi Wang, Xunhui Cai, Shengnan Hu, Ying Li, Yanjun Fan, Siqiao Tan, Qiyuan Liu*, Wei Zhou*. Comparative analysis of the mitochondrial genomes of Nicotiana tabacum: hints toward the key factors closely related to the cytoplasmic male sterility mechanism. Frontiers in Genetics, 2020, 11: 257.

4)    Xunhui Cai, Tao Chen, Ruyi Wang, Yanjun Fan, Ying Li, Shengnan Hu, Zheming Yuan, Hongguang Li, Xiaoyi Li, Songyi Zhao, Qingming Zhou*, Wei Zhou*. Forecasting wildfire disease on tobacco: toward developing a high-accuracy prediction model for disease index using local climate factors and support vector regression. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2019, 137: 2139-2149.

5)    Wei Zhou#, Yanjun Fan#, Xunhui Cai, Yan Xiang, Peng Jiang, Zhijun Dai, Yuan Chen, Siqiao Tan, Zheming Yuan*. High-accuracy QSAR models of narcosis toxicities of phenols based on various data partition, descriptor selection and modelling methods. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(108): 106847-106855.

6)    Wei Zhou#, Shubo Wu#, Zhijun Dai#, Yuan Chen, Yan Xiang, Jianrong Chen, Chunyu Sun, Qingming Zhou*, Zheming Yuan*. Nonlinear QSAR models with high-dimensional descriptor selection and SVR improve toxicity prediction and evaluation of phenols on Photobacterium phosphoreum. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2015, 145: 30-38.

7)    Jun Ren#, Wei Zhou#, Jianxin Wang*. Identifying hierarchical and overlapping protein complexes based on essential protein-protein interactions and “seed-expanding” method. BioMed Research International, 2014, 2014: 838714.

8)    Wei Zhou, Zhijun Dai, Yuan Chen, Zheming Yuan*. Computational QSAR models with high-dimensional descriptor selection improve antitumor activity design of ARC-111 analogues. Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2013, 22(1): 278-286.

9)    Wei Zhou#, Zhijun Dai#, Yuan Chen, Haiyan Wang, Zheming Yuan*. High-dimensional descriptor selection and computational QSAR modeling for antitumor activity of ARC-111 analogues based on support vector regression (SVR). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012, 13(1): 1161-1172.

10) Mingjun Xiang#, Wei Zhou#, Dandan Gao, Xiansong Fang, Qian Liu*. Inhibitor of apoptosis protein-like protein-2 as a novel serological biomarker for breast cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012, 13: 16737-16750.

11) Wei Zhou, Xuefeng Chen, Kunlin Zhang, Ciquan Liu*. The identification and quantification of highly stable ‘common hairpin’ in the dynamic process of co-transcriptional mRNA folding. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2005, 722: 41-50.

3. 主要专利成果;

1)       周玮、范彦君、蔡训辉、王如意. 一种烟草线粒体RNA编辑位点高精度预测方法.发明专利, ZL201810468630.X, 2021.

2)       周玮、袁哲明、吴树波、代志军、陈渊、韩娜. 酚对发光菌毒性预测及评估的新型非线性高效模型构建方法及应用.发明专利, ZL201310007830.2, 2016.

4. 主要获奖成果;

1)       湖南省技术成果奖(自然科学奖类别)三等奖(第2, 2016).

2)       湖南农业大学科学技术奖(自然科学奖类别)二等奖(第2, 2014).

5. 其它重要成果。

1)       2020年湖南农业大学年度考核优秀奖;

2)       2018年湖南农业大学第四批1515人才培养计划“学术骨干”

3)       2016年度湖南农业大学本专科优秀实习指导教师;

4)       2012年湖南农业大学年度考核优秀奖;

5)       2010年湖南农业大学年度考核优秀奖;

6)       2006年湖南农业大学“引进人才”